Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lady S and I

Yesterday Shar and I went to get a door with a big window.

It was on Craig's list. I emailed the seller, he emailed back. I called him to make sure he would be there and to verify his address. We headed out his way, about 10 or 12 miles. About half way my phone went totally dead. (forgot to charge it ). Can't call him, all information is on the phone. Can't remember the address. So I am ready to go back to find a book i wrote it in or get the phone charged.

Shar says No, she has an idea of where the place is. We drive down a road and she says I should have turned right at the last street, so I drove into a gated community (the gate was open) and turned around. Remember that I am clueless of where to go.

So we drive down this street. I look for street names that seem familiar. After a bit of driving I see a street named "Mango." THAT IS IT.

So we drive down Mango Street looking for a house that might house a guy who is selling doors. Nothing looks good, so we circle and do it again.

There are 5 or 6 1st or 2nd graders walking down the sidewalk. Some walk across Mango street. I stop dead, not sure what the last two will do. Their mothers were walking a bit slower and catch up.

"Do you know anyone around here who sells doors?" Shar asks.

"Yes, he is my father-in-law."

So we found the door, bought and it and marveled.

Shar is amazing.

Nice looking door that will go on the pantry I am building her.